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发布日期:2024-11-28 11:11    点击次数:74


🔗外刊原句:A less robust recruitment process is vulnerable to malign actors. -The Economist 🌠抒发含义:malign /mə'laɪn/: 1️⃣(formal) to say bad things about sb/sth publicly 虚拟,中伤 2️⃣causing harm 无益的 🌰巨擘例句: 1️⃣ Psychologists distinguish between malign and benign versions of envy. 心计学家将忌妒分为恶性忌妒和良性忌妒。 2️⃣The malign effect of floating plastic debris on seabirds, turtles and other sea creatures is well known. 家喻户晓,飘浮的塑料碎屑对海鸟海龟以过头他海洋生物有负面影响。 🏆关系词汇:皆是外刊中非时时见的词汇: 1️⃣robust: 1. strong and healthy 强健的 2. strong and not likely to fail or become weak 强盛的 2️⃣vulnerable: weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally 脆弱的 3️⃣debris: pieces of wood, metal, brick, etc. that are left after sth has been destroyed 破败;碎屑 🌊有一个非时时见的词伙搭配:space debris 天外碎屑/天外垃圾

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